Sunday, May 2, 2021

Beauty And The Turtle

Once upon a time there was a butterfly called Beauty. She was very beautiful, but too proud of her beauty. She was always busy looking at herself in the mirror and admiring herself.

One day, Beauty met a turtle who told her that she was too proud of herself. She got angry with him. The turtle said, "I'll show you that are you too proud of yourself. Let's have some races."

The first race was the running race. Beauty thought to herself, "Ha! A running race! I'm surely going to win. The turtle is so slow, and he can't even fly. I'll win this race easily." She started flying, but suddenly remembered to check her lipstick. She removed her mirror and lipstick from her bag and applied it. She then resumed her flying and was about to reach the finishing line when she heard, "I won! I won!"

Beauty couldn't believe her eyes that the turtle had won the running race. She huffed and suggested that they have another race. The turtle suggested that they have a swimming race. Beauty was a good swimmer. She agreed to the race.

They started the race in the pond. Just as she was going to jump in, she saw herself in the water. And she kept admiring herself. She forgot all about the race. After a few minutes, she remembered that she had to swim and started swimming to the end line. But again, the turtle won the race.

When she reached the finishing line, the turtle said, "See! I won again! You lost time admiring your own beauty!"

Beauty realised her mistake. She promised that she would never again keep thinking only about her beauty. They both became good friends!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Magical Bath Tub

There was a magical bath tub in Max's house. Max took a bath in it and the bath tub started talking to him. Max asked his parents to keep the tub for him. His parents agreed on the condition that he would take a bath in that tub every day.

On Sunday, he was ready for the bath. He called his parents and his sister, Ruby. The bath tub was shy to talk in front of his parents and sister. Ruby was very surprised to see a talking bathtub.

The bathtub lived happily ever after in their family.

Monday, October 14, 2019

जिराफ आणि त्याची मान

एक जिराफ होता. त्याला एकदा उंच झाडावरची पानं खायची होती. त्याने ती पाने खायला सुरवात केली, पण तो एकदम घाबरून गेला. त्याला वाटले की त्याची मान उंच उंच होत आहे.

त्याने त्याचा मित्र मंकी ला बोलावले. तो म्हणाला, "बघ ना... माझी मान लांब लांब होत आहे." मंकी म्हणाला, "थांब, तू घाबरू नकोस. आपण डॉक्टरला बोलवूयात."

मंकीने लायन डॉक्टरला बोलावले. हा लायन डॉक्टर चांगला होता. कोणाला खायचा नाही, कारण तो डॉक्टर होता ना! त्या लायनचा फ्रेंड असतो lion king. तो खायचा सगळ्यांना.

लायन डॉक्टर आला. त्याने विचारले जिराफाला, "काय झालं रे?"

जिराफ म्हणाला, "माझी मान बघा ना, लांबच लांब झाली आहे."

डॉक्टर म्हणाले, "थांब हां, मी चेक करतो."

डॉक्टरने त्याला चेक केले. आणि म्हणाले, "अरे, तुला तर काहीच झाले नाहीये. तुला उंच पानं खायची होती ना! म्हणून तूच तुझी मान लांब केलीस!"

जिराफ म्हणाला, "अच्छा! असा होय!"

सगळे लोग जिराफ वर खूप हसले!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

भिकारी आणि मित्र

एक मुलगा असतो. तो खूपच बिचारा असतो. त्याच्याकडे पैसे नसतात. खायला पण नसते. त्याचा birthday असतो. तो सात वर्षांचा होतो. त्याचा एक friend असतो. तो खूप चांगला असतो. तो त्याला एक छोटासा मोबाइल देतो.
तो friend त्याला दर बर्थडेला काय-काय देतो. आठव्या बर्थडेला जीन्स देतो. दहाव्या बर्थडेला खूप पैसे. अकराव्या बर्थडेला खूप कपडे.

त्याच्या friend च्या बर्थडेला तो भिकारीपण पैसे जमवून एक रोबोट देतो. 

एके दिवशी त्या friend च्या घरी चोरी होते. आणि भिकारी त्या चोराला पकडून देतो!

So the moral of the story is: A friend in need is a friend indeed!! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Cat And Hen

Once upon a time there was a cat and a hen. They both were friends.

The hen had some babies. All birds were taking the babies away. She was a clever hen. She hid them in her feathers.

The hen went to the cat and called, "Cat, cat open the door!"

After a long time, the cat finally opened the door.

The hen said to the cat, "Cat, can you make porridge for me?"

The cat made soup and porridge for everyone.

The moral of the story is that you should be clever and friendly with everyone.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Always Help Others

Once upon a time, there was a mouse. He was sad, because he wanted to eat his cheese. He couldn't jump higher, but his Didi could jump higher. 

He called his Didi. His sister came, and asked him, "What happened? Why are you sad?" He told her that he wanted his cheese, but could not jump high. 

His sister jumped up high enough and got him his cheese. He thanked his sister!

The moral of the story is that you should always help others.

Goa Story

Once upon a time, there was a penguin. He had three friends: a cat, dog, and Elly the elephant.

One day they were planning to go to Goa. They said to their Mamma that they were going to Goa. They didn't have daddies. They mommies said OK.

They had lots of fun. They bought some food for their mommies.

They went back home. Their mommies said,  "Welcome to your nice homes."

They lived happily ever after.